一般来说,如果我们会在许多组织中看到安全运营中心 (SOC) 和网络运营中心 (NOC)的功能互补,以确保顺利运营。他们都负责观察、识别、分析、确定优先级、升级和解决问题,但他们处理的问题和解决方案却大不相同。
1. 安全运营中心(SOC):
安全运营中心简称为SOC。它主要通过识别影响信息资产安全的任何事件和警报来关注信息/数据安全。 SOC 员工持续监控和分析组织安全,并在发现问题时迅速做出响应,以确保组织 IT 基础设施的安全。所以SOC主要进行基于网络安全的操作。
2. 网络运营中心(NOC):
网络运营中心简称为 NOC。它主要关注影响性能和可用性的任何与网络相关的事件和警报。 NOC 员工符合服务水平协议 (SLA) 并以减少停机时间的方式管理事件。它也被称为网络管理中心。它持续监督、监控和维护电信网络。如有必要,将分析网络的性能和健康状况,并执行任何所需的操作。
安全运营中心 (SOC) 和网络运营中心 (NOC) 的区别:
S.No. | SOC | NOC |
01. | SOC stands for Security Operations Center. | NOC stands for Network Operations Center. |
02. | It monitors threats to infrastructure making attempts to use vulnerability and get inside of an network and creates threats to organizational information . | It is used to handle challenges related to managing, monitoring, and controlling the networks in customer IT ecosystem. |
03. | It handles the incidents affecting the security of information assets. | It handles the incidents affecting the performance and availability. |
04. | Its main role is to provide a complete IT backbone that will enable smooth networking operations with reduced downtime. | Its main role is to protect the network from cyber attacks and security threats. |
05. | It is being able to meet Service Level Agreements (SLAs). | It is being able to protect sensitive organizational data. |
06. | NOC analysts must be proficient in networking applications and system engineering. | SOC analysts must be proficient in security engineering skills. |
07. | The main objective of Security Operations Center is to monitor quality. | The main objective of Network Operations Center is to monitor performance. |
08. | Service quality, customer experience and marketing software tools are used. | Fault, trouble and performance monitoring software tools are used. |
09. | Security Operations Center is based on proactive approach | Network Operations Center is based on reactive approach. |
10. | Its business impact is strategic. | Its business impact is operational. |