Student(EnrollNo, Name)
Course(CourseID, Name)
EnrollMents(EnrollNo, CourseID)
FROM Student S, Course C, Enrollments E
WHERE S.EnrollNo = E.EnrollNo AND
C.Name = "DBMS" AND
E.CourseID = C.CourseID AND
S.EnrollNo IN
(SELECT S2.EnrollNo
FROM Student S2, Course C2, Enrollments E2
WHERE S2.EnrollNo = E2.EnrollNo AND
E2.CourseID = C2.CourseID
C2.Name = "OS")
- WHERE IN 返回与列表或子查询中的值匹配的值。
- WHERE IN 是多个 OR 条件的简写。
Here, firstly the inner query is solved. It returns all the Enrollment
Numbers (SELECT S2.EnrollNo) of students where the students’ enrollment
number matches with the enrollment number of the courses
(WHERE S2.EnrollNo = E2.EnrollNo) which have the course IDs whose Course
Name is “OS” (E2.CourseID = C2.CourseID and C2.Name = “OS”).
因此,对于注册“OS”课程的学生,所有注册 ID 都会被过滤掉。
The outer query works similarly and filters out all the all tuples where
the Students Enrollment Number matches with the Enrollment Number where the
course ID’s are for the course names “DBMS”
(S.EnrollNo = E.EnrollNo AND C.Name =”DBMS” AND E.CourseID = C.CourseId) and
additionally matches with the ones that are returned by the inner query i.e.
Enrollment Number of students who are enrolled for the course “OS”.
因此,上述查询返回已注册“DBMS”和“OS”课程的所有学生的姓名(SELECT S.Name)。
这个解释是由Yashika Arora 提供的。