📅  最后修改于: 2020-12-08 05:11:07             🧑  作者: Mango
离子应用程序中用于滚动操作的元素称为ion-scroll 。
以下代码段将创建可滚动容器并调整滚动模式。首先,我们将创建HTML元素并为其添加属性。我们将添加→ direction =“ xy”以允许滚动到每一侧。我们还将设置滚动元素的宽度和高度。
.scroll-container {
width: 2600px;
height: 1000px;
background: url('../img/world-map.png') no-repeat
还有其他属性可以应用于ion-scroll 。您可以在下表中检查它们。
Attribute | Type | Details |
direction | string | Possible directions of the scroll. Default value is y |
delegate-handle | string | Used for scroll identification with $ionicScrollDelegate. |
locking | boolean | Used to lock scrolling in one direction at a time. Default value is true. |
paging | boolean | Used to determine if the paging will be used with scroll. |
on-refresh | expression | Called on pull-to-refresh. |
on-scroll | expression | Called when scrolling. |
scrollbar-x | boolean | Should horizontal scroll bar be shown. Default value is true. |
scrollbar-y | string | Should vertical scroll bar be shown. Default value is true. |
zooming | boolean | Used to apply pinch-to-zoom. |
min-zoom | integer | Minimal zoom value. |
max-zoom | integer | Maximal zoom value. |
scrollbar-x | boolean | Used to enable bouncing. Default value on IOS is true, on Android false. |
当滚动通过页面底部时,无限滚动用于触发某些行为。以下示例显示了它的工作原理。在我们的控制器中,我们创建了一个用于将项目添加到列表的函数。当滚动通过最后加载的元素的10%时,将添加这些项目。这将持续到我们击中30个已加载的元素。每次加载完成时, on-infinite都会广播scroll.infiniteScrollComplete事件。
Item {{ item.id }}
.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.items = [];
$scope.noMoreItemsAvailable = false;
$scope.loadMore = function() {
$scope.items.push({ id: $scope.items.length});
if ($scope.items.length == 30) {
$scope.noMoreItemsAvailable = true;
Attribute | Type | Details |
on-infinite | expression | What should be called when scrolled to the bottom. |
distance | string | The distance from the bottom needed to trigger on-infinite expression. |
spinner | string | What spinner should be shown while loading |
immediate-check | Boolean | Should ‘on-infinite’ be called when screen is loaded |
Ionic提供委托以完全控制滚动元素。可以通过将$ ionicScrollDelegate服务注入控制器,然后使用其提供的方法来使用它。
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.controller('DashCtrl', function($scope, $ionicScrollDelegate) {
$scope.scrollTop = function() {
现在,我们将介绍所有$ ionicScrollDelegate方法。
Method | Parameters | Type | Details |
scrollTop(parameter) | shouldAnimate | boolean | Should scroll be animated. |
scrollBottom(parameter) | shouldAnimate | boolean | Should scroll be animated. |
scrollTo(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3) | left, top, shouldAnimate | number, number, integer | First two parameters determine value of the x, and y-axis offset. |
scrollBy(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3) | left, top, shouldAnimate | number, number, integer | First two parameters determine value of the x, and y-axis offset. |
zoomTo(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, parameter4) | level, animate, originLeft, originTop | number, boolean, number, number | level is used to determine level to zoom to. originLeft and originRight coordinates where the zooming should happen. |
zoomBy(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, parameter4) | factor, animate, originLeft, originTop | number, boolean, number, number | factor is used to determine factor to zoom by. originLeft and originRight coordinates where the zooming should happen. |
getScrollPosition() | / | / | Returns object with two number as properties: left and right. These numbers represent the distance the user has scrolled from the left and from the top respectively. |
anchorScroll(parameter1) | shouldAnimate | boolean | It will scroll to the element with the same id as the window.loaction.hash. If this element does not exist, it will scroll to the top. |
freezeScroll(parameter1) | shouldFreeze | boolean | Used to disable scrolling for particular scroll. |
freezeAllScrolls(parameter1) | shouldFreeze | boolean | Used to disable scrolling for all the scrolls in the app. |
getScrollViews() | / | object | Returns the scrollView object. |
$getByHandle(parameter1) | handle | string | Used to connect methods to the particular scroll view with the same handle. $ionicScrollDelegate. $getByHandle(‘my-handle’).scrollTop(); |