甘油是一种碱性多元化合物,也称为甘油。甘油是一种无味、无色、粘稠的液体,无毒,味甜。在某些脂质中,发现了称为甘油三酯的甘油骨架。或 甘油存在于甘油三酯等脂质中,并从动物和植物来源中获得。由于三个羟基,它是水溶性的。
甘油的化学式是C 3 H 8 O 3 。它的化合物含有多于一组的羟基。甘油在其化学结构中含有三个羟基,它们是与碳原子结合的-OH基团。它有 3 个碳原子、3 个氧原子和 8 个氢原子。
在甘油中 由于与碳原子结合的羟基 (-OH) 基团,甘油可溶于水。甘油的这种高度吸湿性方面也是造成这些羟基的原因,这确保了它能够快速保留或吸收水分。
甘油或甘油是一种三醇化合物,是植物和动物脂质的重要组成部分。它被皮肤科医生用于皮肤病学治疗。最近,我们主要将其用作生物燃料化合物。一些科学家在我们称为甘油酯的脂质中发现了它的骨架。甘油具有抗病毒和抗菌的特殊特性,这就是为什么制药行业在 FDA 批准的伤口和烧伤治疗中广泛使用它们的原因。通过将组织中的水提取到间质液和血浆中,甘油或甘油可提高血浆渗透压。甘油或甘油具有渗透性利尿和通便作用,它是三羟基醇。通过吸引水进入直肠,从而缓解便秘,甘油发挥高渗通便作用。
甘油的物理性质Chemical formula of glycerine C3H8O3 Molecular weight or molecular mass 92.09 g/mol Density 1.261 g/cm³ Boiling point 290°C Melting point 17.8°C
在温度和压力 (STP) 的某些标准条件下,甘油或甘油以无色吸湿液体形式存在,没有任何特征气味。这种甘油化合物与水形成可混溶的混合物。
- In the food industry, Glycerin is used as a sweetener and preservative because its compound can help preserve some food .In food industry. to form inter-molecular hydrogen bonds especially with water molecules the utility of glycerol arises. This helps in increasing the water content in preserved food, without compromising on shelf life, and also enhances viscosity and texture. Its low toxicity and lack of a disagreeable flavor allow the use of glycerol as an emulsifier.
- Glycerine is also used in beverages as in liqueurs as a thickening agent.
- Glycerin can be used as a filler in low-fat food items such as cookies.
- In the medical and pharmaceutical industries, Glycerine is used as a lubricant and humectant so that it can prevent the cosmetic from either drying out or freezing and to enhance the texture of lotions and creams.
- Glycerin is also used in the treatment of severely increased eye pressure .
- In the pharmaceutical industry, C3H8O3 is used for the preparation of cough syrups to give a sweet taste for the patients .
- Glycerin is a vital component of many skincare products.Its compound is also used in the production of toothpaste .
- Glycerin is used in the production of Triacetin which is a triple ester of glycerol, formed through an esterifying reaction with acetic acid. Triacetin has a variety of uses in the food industry as a plasticizing agent, to enhance the viscosity of a product. It is used as an antiknock reagent in fuels for internal combustion engines. Another key application of glycerin is its use in the production of electronic cigarette liquid It is an additive in cigarettes.
- Glycerine is used in explosives such as dynamite because Dynamite was necessary in the discovery and extraction of underground minerals, and in the construction of infrastructure. Therefore, it promote industrial development.
- C3H8O3 is also used as filler to damp the vibrations in pressure gauges.
Glycerol is a basic poly compound which is also referred to as glycerin.
- Melting point: 17.8°C
- Boiling point: 290°C
Glycerin is a vital component of many skincare products. After applying glycerine to the skin retains moisture in the skin and gives it a safe, youthful glow. It also helps to reduce the emergence of wrinkles by attracting moisture to the top layer of skin and leaves the skin looking soft and smooth. Additionally, glycerine also increases skin function to delay ageing.
Glycerol is a triglyceride that is present in many plants such as soybean, palm and animals and it can also produce glycerol with the help of industrial methods to produce it from saponification or hydrolysis of triglycerides.It is also obtained from animal and plant also .
Glycerine can cause mild irritation to the eyes, nose, lungs and skin, particularly due to its hygroscopic nature. Skin and other internal organs of body can get dried out when pure glycerol directly comes into contact with these moist tissues.
问题 5:哪些食物含有甘油?
Breading or batters, pre-cooked rice products, and baked goods Pre-cooked pasta, rolled oats, Dried or canned vegetables or fruits, pre-cooked vegetables etc, are all possible sources of glycerin .
It is safe to eat because glycerin is used as a sweetener and preservative in food items. As well as glycerol can be classified as a caloric macronutrient. But in some cases individuals may be allergic to glycerin. or It can be toxic to such people.
The density of glycerine is 1.261 g/cm3.
Procedure to make glycerol at home
- Add one cup of coconut oil and olive oil to a saucepan then Keep it low and gradually add 1 teaspoon of lye and 1 cup of water.
- After that heat the mixture and keep stirring until the mixture is thick for 15 minutes .
- Atlast add 1/2 cup salt as tracing reflects in the pan and allow the mixture to cool.