📜  语义 UI 项目变化

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:13.612000             🧑  作者: Mango

语义 UI 项目变化

Semantic UI是一个现代框架,用于为网站开发无缝设计,它为用户提供了轻量级的组件体验。它使用预定义的 CSS 和 jQuery 来整合不同的框架。

语义 UI 项用于在页面上显示大量内容。 Semantic UI Item Variation为我们提供了 6 种类型的变体,可与此项目一起使用,以更改此项目的显示类型。

语义 UI 项目变化:

  • Stacking 这用于创建一个表格,其中项目响应堆叠。
  • Divided 使用此选项,以便可以以易于区分分组内容的方式划分项目。
  • Relaxed 这用于创建一组具有宽松填充的项目,以便在项目之间留出更多空间。
  • 链接项目用于将项目的内容链接到另一个页面。
  • Vertical Alignment 用于指定项目的垂直对齐方式。
  • 浮动内容用于使元素向左或向右浮动。

注意: Relaxed 变体不能与 Divided 或 Stacking 一起使用,因为这 3 个是彼此相反的。



以下示例说明了语义 UI 项变化:

示例 1:




            Semantic-UI Item Variations         

        Divided, Floating and Link Item Variant:         
                A Computer Science Portal for Geeks               
                This is where GeeksforGeeks comes                 into picture - A computer science portal                 for geeks, by geeks. ...GeeksforGeeks.org                 was created with a goal in mind to provide                 well written, well thought and well                 explained solutions for selected questions.               
              Sandeep Jain               
                Founder of Geeksforgeeks               

                    Expert Advice series, we’re constantly                     trying to provide you with several                     enriching advice and mentorship every                     month to resolve all your career-related                     concerns and make your journey smoother.                  





            Semantic-UI Item Variations         

        Stacking, Vertical Alignment Item Variant:         
              Sandeep Jain               
                Founder of Geeksforgeeks               

                    Expert Advice series, we’re constantly                     trying to provide you with several                     enriching advice and mentorship every                     month to resolve all your career-related                     concerns and make your journey smoother.                  



语义 UI 项目变化

语义 UI 项目变化

示例 2:在此示例中,第二项是底部对齐的。




            Semantic-UI Item Variations         

        Stacking, Vertical Alignment Item Variant:         
              Sandeep Jain               
                Founder of Geeksforgeeks               

                    Expert Advice series, we’re constantly                     trying to provide you with several                     enriching advice and mentorship every                     month to resolve all your career-related                     concerns and make your journey smoother.                  



语义 UI 项目变化

语义 UI 项目变化

参考: https://semantic-ui.com/views/item.html#variations