📜  ursina vsync - Java (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:35:32.193000             🧑  作者: Mango

Ursina vsync - Java


Ursina vsync is a Java library used for synchronized rendering of animations and gameplay. It is based on the Ursina game engine and offers a flexible and easy-to-use solution for smooth and jitter-free animation rendering.

  • Synchronized rendering of animations and gameplay
  • Flexible and easy-to-use solution
  • Smooth and jitter-free animation rendering

To use Ursina vsync, you will need to include the library in your project.


Add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

implementation 'com.ursinaengine:ursina:3.6.5'
implementation 'com.ursinaengine:ursina-vsync:0.0.1'

Add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:



To use Ursina vsync, you first need to create a Vsync object and pass in the Window to render to:

Vsync vsync = new Vsync(window);

You can then use the vsync object to render animations and gameplay, and it will handle synchronization:

vsync.render(() -> {
  // Render your animation or gameplay here

Ursina vsync is a powerful Java library that offers synchronized rendering of animations and gameplay. It is easy to use and flexible, making it the perfect solution for smooth and jitter-free animation rendering.