- open curve: A curve in which starting point and ending point are different or do not cut each other .
- closed curve: A curve in which starting point and ending point are same and cut each other.
Using the above definition we can classify the given figures as follows :
i) open curve (as both stating and ending points are diffrent)
ii) closed curve (as both the points are same )
iii) closed curve (as both the points cut each other)
iv) open curve (as both starting point and ending point are diffrent)
v) open curve (as both starting point and ending point are diffrent)
vi) closed curve (as both starting point and ending point meet at same point)
A polygon with two sides is not possible because, a polygon should have minimum three sides.
(i) It is a Simple Closed curve and a concave polygon. This is a simple closed curve and as a concave polygon all the vertices are not pointing outwards.
(ii) It is a Simple closed curve and a convex polygon. This is a simple closed curve and as a convex polygon all the vertices are pointing outwards.
(iii) It is Not a curve and hence it is not a polygon.
(iv) It is Not a curve and hence it is not a polygon.
(v) It is a Simple closed curve but not a polygon.
(vi) It is a Simple closed curve but not a polygon.
(vii) It is a Simple closed curve but not a polygon.
(viii) It is a Simple closed curve but not a polygon.
For a convex quadrilateral we shall use the formula n(n-3)/2
So, number of diagonals = 4(4-3)/2 = 4/2 = 2
A convex quadrilateral has 2 diagonals.
For a regular hexagon we shall use the formula n(n-3)/2
So, number of diagonals = 6(6-3)/2 = 18/2 = 9
A regular hexagon has 9 diagonals.
For a triangle we shall use the formula n(n – 3)/2
So, number of diagonals = 3(3 -3)/2 = 0/2 = 0
A triangle has no diagonals.
Regular Polygon: A regular polygon is an enclosed figure. In a regular polygon minimum sides are three.
(i) 3 sides
A regular polygon with 3 sides is known as Equilateral triangle.
(ii) 4 sides
A regular polygon with 4 sides is known as Rhombus.
(iii) 6 sides
A regular polygon with 6 sides is known as Regular hexagon.