如果我们使用Newton-Raphson方法分别使用x0,x1和x2作为初始猜测来找到f(x)= 0的根,则获得的根将为
(D)分别为1.3、0.6和1.3答案: (D)
x0 : Tangent at this point is line AB itself, and that would cut x-axis at
point (1.0,0.0) (found using equation of line AB). So our next guess
would be 1.0. Point on the curve corresponding to this new guess 1.0
is shown as F. Now tangent at point F is line DE, which cuts x-axis at
1.3, and at this point, value of function is zero, so we found the root
as 1.3.
x1 : Tangent at this point is line BE, which cuts x-axis at 0.6, also function
value is zero here, so we find root as 0.6.
x2 : Tangent at this point is line CD, which cuts x-axis at 1.05 (again found
by finding equation of line CD). Point on the curve corresponding to this
new guess 1.05 is shown as G. Now tangent at point G is line DE, which cuts
x-axis at 1.3, and at this point, value of function is zero, so we found
the root as 1.3.