📜  门| GATE-CS-2003 |问题 4(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:42:15.527000             🧑  作者: Mango

门(GATE-CS-2003) - 问题 4



[initially, all doors are closed]

when [request comes to open door]:
   if [door is already open]:
      do nothing
   else if [door is currently closed]:
      move the door to the open position
   else if [door is currently moving]:
      add request to the queue of requests

when [request comes to close door]:
   if [door is already closed]:
      do nothing
   else if [door is currently open]:
      move the door to the closed position
   else if [door is currently moving]:
      add request to the queue of requests

on every time unit:
   if [there are no pending requests]:
      do nothing
      retrieve the next request from the queue
      move the door accordingly

[the door can only be in one of three states: 
closed, open, or moving]


  1. 以下时刻请求序列的行为将如何?
     request to close
     request to open
     request to close
     request to close
     request to open
     request to open
     request to close
     request to open
  1. 如果发生两个开关请求同时发生,将会发生什么?请描述模型中可能出现的异常情况,以及一个可能的解决方案。
1. 请求序列的行为将如何?


  1. close request将立即被执行,因为门现在是closed状态。
  2. open request将导致door将移动到打开状态。
  3. close request将被保存到队列中,因为此时门正在移动。
  4. close request将立即被执行,因为这是队列中的第一项请求,而此时门处于打开状态。
  5. open request将被保存到队列中,因为此时门正在移动。
  6. open request将被保存到队列中,因为此时门正在移动。
  7. close request将被保存到队列中,因为此时门正在移动。
  8. open request将被保存到队列中,因为在这一时刻门正在移动并且队列中存储了open请求。


cmd      |     state
close    |    Closed
open     |    Moving
close    |    Moving
close    |    Closed
open     |    Moving
open     |    Moving
close    |    Moving
open     |    Moving
2. 如果存在两个请求同时发生了会出现什么问题?解决方案可能是什么?

