📜  门| GATE-CS-2007 |问题18(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:42:16.731000             🧑  作者: Mango

GATE-CS-2007 Question 18

This question from the GATE-CS-2007 exam presents a problem involving concurrency in a multi-threaded program. The question requires understanding of the interaction between threads, synchronization, and race conditions.

The problem involves a producer and consumer pattern, where multiple producer threads generate random integers and multiple consumer threads calculate the average of all integers produced thus far. The solution requires the use of thread-safe data structures, such as blocking queues or lock-based data structures.

The question may involve solving race conditions and deadlock situations, ensuring correct data sharing between threads, and implementing the proper synchronization mechanisms.

To solve this problem, a thorough understanding of multi-threaded programming, concurrency, and synchronization is needed. Additionally, knowledge of common thread-safe data structures and libraries, such as Java's concurrent linked queue or C++'s mutexes and condition variables, will be useful.

Overall, GATE-CS-2007 question 18 requires a deep understanding of concurrent programming concepts and the ability to apply them to a real-world problem. It is an excellent test of a programmer's knowledge and skills in the field of concurrent programming.

## Summary
- GATE-CS-2007 Question 18 involves solving a multi-threaded problem involving producers and consumers, and requires knowledge of concurrency, synchronization and race conditions
- Thread-safe data structures such as blocking queues or lock-based data structures may be required
- Thorough understanding of multi-threaded programming is necessary, as is knowledge of thread-safe data structures and relevant libraries
- The question tests a programmer's knowledge and skills in the field of concurrent programming