第 12 类 RD Sharma 解决方案 - 第 31 章概率 - 练习 31.7 |设置 1
瓮 I:1 个白球、2 个黑球和 3 个红球
瓮 II:2 个白球、1 个黑球和 1 个红球
瓮 III:4 个白球、5 个黑球和 3 个红球
随机选择一个瓮,抽取两个球。它们恰好是白色和红色的。它们来自瓮 I、II、III 的概率是多少?
Let us assume that E1, E2 and E3 be the events of selecting Urn I, Urn II and Urn III. And also A be the event that the two balls drawn are white and red.
So, P(E1) = 1/3
P(E2) = 1/3
P(E3) = 1/3
P(A/E1) = = 3/15 = 1/5
P(A/E2) = = 2/6 = 1/3
P(A/E3) = = 12/66 = 2/11
By using Bayes’ theorem, the required probability is,
P(E1/A) =
= 33/118
P(E2/A) =
= 55/118
P(E3/A) =
= 30/118
问题 2. 袋子 A 包含 2 个白色和 3 个红色球,袋子 B 包含 4 个白色和 5 个红色球。从其中一个袋子中随机抽出一个球,发现是红色的。求它是从袋子 B 中取出的概率。
Let us assume that the A, E1 and E2 be the events that the ball is red, bag A is chosen and bag B is chosen.
So, P(E1) = 1/2
P(E2) = 1/2
P(A/E1) = 3/5
P(A/E2) = 5/9
By using Bayes’ theorem, the required probability is,
P(E2/A) =
= 25/52
问题3.三个瓮里有2个白球和3个黑球;分别有 3 个白球和 2 个黑球和 4 个白球和 1 个黑球。一个球是从一个随机选择的瓮中抽出来的,结果发现它是白色的。找出它是从第一个瓮中取出的概率。
Let us consider E1, E2 and E3 be the events of selecting Urn I, Urn II and Urn III.
Also, A be the event that the ball drawn is white.
So, P(E1) = 1/3
P(E2) = 1/3
P(E3) = 1/3
P(A/E1) = 2/5
P(A/E2) = 3/5
P(A/E3) = 4/5
By using Bayes’ theorem, the required probability is,
P(E1/A) =
= 2/9
1号缸:7个白球,3个黑球,2号缸:4个白球,6个黑球,3号缸:2个白球,8个黑球。这些骨灰盒之一是随机选择的,概率分别为 0.20、0.60 和 0.20。从选定的瓮中随机抽取两个球,无需更换。如果这两个球都是白色的,它们来自 3 号罐的概率是多少?
Let us assume that E1, E2 and E3 be the events of selecting Urn I, Urn II and Urn III. Also, A be the event that the two balls drawn are white.
So, P(E1) = 20/100
P(E2) = 60/100
P(E3) = 20/100
P(A/E1) = = 21/45
P(A/E2) = = 6/45
P(A/E3) = = 1/45
By using Bayes’ theorem, the required probability is,
P(E3/A) =
= 1/40
问题 5. 假设一个女孩掷骰子。如果她得到 1 或 2,她掷硬币 3 次并记下反面的数量。如果她得到 3、4、5 或 6,她会掷一次硬币,并记下得到的是“正面”还是“反面”。如果她正好得到一个“尾巴”,那么她用骰子掷出 3、4、5 或 6 的概率是多少?
Let us consider E1 be the event that the outcome on the die is 1 or 2 and E2 be the event that outcome on the die is 3, 4, 5 or 6.
Now, P(E1) = 2/6 = 1/3 and P(E2) = 4/6 = 2/3
Also, let us assume A be the event of getting exactly one ‘tail’.
So, P(A/E1) = 3/8
P(A/E2) = 1/2
Now, P(E2/A) is the probability that the girl threw 3, 4, 5 or 6 with the die, if she obtained exactly one tail
So, by using Bayes’ theorem, the required probability is,
P(E2/A) =
= 8/11
问题 6. 两组竞争公司董事会的职位。第一组和第二组获胜的概率分别为 0.6 和 0.4。此外,如果第一组获胜,则推出新产品的概率为 0.7,如果第二组获胜,则相应的概率为 0.3。找出第二组推出的新产品的概率。
Let us consider E1 and E2 be the events that the first group and the second group win the competition. Also, A be the event of introducing a new product.
So, P(E1) = 0.6
P(E2) = 0.4
P(A/E1) = 0.7
P(A/E2) = 0.3
Now, P(E2/A) is the probability that the new product is introduced by the second group
So, by using Bayes’ theorem, the required probability is,
P(E2/A) =
= 0.12/0.54
= 2/9
问题 7。假设 100 名男性中有 5 名男性和 1000 名女性中有 25 名是优秀的演说家。演讲者是随机选择的。求一个男性被选中的概率。假设男女人数相等。
Let us assume that A, E1 and E2 be the events that the person is a good orator, is a man and is a woman.
So, P(E1) = 1/2
P(E2) = 1/2
P(A/E1) = 5/100
P(A/E2) = 25/1000
So, using Bayes’ theorem, the required probability is,
P(E1/A) =
= 2/3
问题 8。已知一封信来自伦敦或克利夫顿。在信封上只有两个连续的字母 ON 是可见的。这封信来自的概率是多少
(i) 伦敦 (ii) 克利夫顿?
Let us consider A, E1 and E2 be the events that the two consecutive letters are visible and the letter has come from LONDON and CLIFTON.
So, P(E1) = 1/2
P(E2) = 1/2
P(A/E1) = 2/5
P(A/E2) = 1/6
So, using Bayes’ theorem, the required probability is,
(i) P(E1/A) =
= 12/17
(ii) P(E2/A) =
= 5/17
问题 9. 在一个班级中,5% 的男生和 10% 的女生智商超过 150。在这个班级中,60% 的学生是男生。如果随机选择一个学生,发现其 IQ 超过 150,则求该学生是男孩的概率。
Let us consider A, E1 and E2 be the events that the IQ is more than 150, the selected student is a boy and the selected student is a girl.
So, P(E1) = 60/100
P(E2) = 40/100
P(A/E1) = 5/100
P(A/E2) = 10/100
So, using Bayes’ theorem, the required probability is,
P(E1/A) =
= 300/700
= 3/7
问题 10. 一家工厂有三台机器 X、Y 和 Z,每天分别生产 1000、2000 和 3000 个螺栓。机器 X 生产 1% 的缺陷螺栓,Y 生产 1.5% 和 Z 生产 2% 的缺陷螺栓。一天结束时,随机抽出一个螺栓,发现有缺陷。这个有缺陷的螺栓由机器 X 生产的概率是多少?
Let us assume that E1, E2 and E3 be the events that machine X produces bolts, machine Y produces bolts and machine Z produces bolts. Also, A be the event that the bolt is defective.
So, the total number of bolts = 1000 + 2000 + 3000 = 6000
P(E1) = 1000/6000 = 1/6
P(E2) = 2000/6000 = 1/3
P(E3) = 3000/6000 = 1/2
Now, P(E1/A) is the probability that the defective bolt is produced by machine X
P(A/E1) = 1% = 1/100
P(A/E2) = 1.5% = 15/1000
P(A/E3) = 2% = 2/100
So, using Bayes’ theorem, the required probability is,
P(E1/A) =
= 1/10
问题 11. 一家保险公司为 3000 辆踏板车、4000 辆汽车和 5000 辆卡车投保。涉及踏板车、汽车和卡车的事故概率分别为 0.02、0.03 和 0.04。其中一辆被保险车辆发生事故。找出它是 (i) 踏板车 (ii) 汽车 (iii) 卡车的概率。
Let us assume that E1, E2 and E3 be the events that the vehicle is a scooter, a car and a truck. Also, A be the event that the vehicle meets with an accident.
From the question, insurance company insured 3000 scooters, 4000 cars and 5000 trucks.
So, the total number of vehicles = 3000 + 4000 + 5000 = 12000
P(E1) = 3000/12000 = 1/4
P(E2) = 4000/12000 = 1/3
P(E3) = 5000/12000 = 5/12
Now, P(E1/A) is the probability that the vehicle, which meets with an accident, is a scooter
P(A/E1) = 0.02 = 2/100
P(A/E2) = 0.03 = 3/100
P(A/E3) = 0.04 = 4/100
So, using Bayes’ theorem, the required probability is,
(i) P(E1/A) =
= 3/19
(ii) P(E2/A) =
= 6/19
(iii) P(E3/A) =
= 10/19
问题 12。假设我们有四个盒子 A、B、C、D,其中包含如下所示的彩色弹珠:
Box | Colour | ||
| Red | White | Black |
A | 1 | 6 | 3 |
B | 6 | 2 | 2 |
C | 8 | 1 | 1 |
D | 0 | 6 | 4 |
其中一个盒子是随机选择的,并从中抽出一个弹珠。如果弹珠是红色的,它是从盒子 A、盒子 B 和盒子 C 中抽出来的概率是多少?
Let us assume that R be the event of drawing the red marble and EA, EB and EC be the events of selecting box A, box B and box C.
According to the question, the total number of marbles are 40 and the number of red marbles are 15.
So, P(R) = 15/40 = 3/8
P(EA/R) = The probability of drawing a red marble from box A.
P(EA/R) =
= 1/15
P(EB/R) = The probability of drawing a red marble from box B.
P(EB/R \right) =
= 2/5
P(EC/R) = The probability of drawing a red marble from box C.
P(EC/R) =
= 8/15
问题 13. 一家制造商有三个机器运算符A、B 和 C。第一个运算符A 生产 1% 的缺陷品,而另外两个运算符B 和 C 分别生产 5% 和 7% 的缺陷品。 A 有 50% 的时间在工作,B 有 30% 的时间在工作,C 有 20% 的时间在工作。生产了有缺陷的项目。它由 A 产生的概率是多少?
Let us consider E1, E2 and E3 be the time taken by machine operators A, B, and C. Also, X be the event of producing defective items.
P(E1) = 50 % = 1/2
P(E2) = 30 % = 3/10
P(E3) = 20 % = 1/5
P(X/E1) = 1 % = 1/100
P(X/E2) = 5 % = 5/100
P(X/E3) = 7 % = 7/100
So, using Bayes’ theorem, the required probability is,
P(E1/X) =
= 5/34